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Welcome to our Jus4fun website.

At Jus4fun, our goal is to make Jus4fun the one FREE site where you can find a little excitement, a lot of fun, or just somewhere to put up your feet, relax and enjoy life. 

We want to give visitors a great variety of fun places to go, stay, of just play.  Not only will you find the fun you're looking for, you'll find places to go or things to do you never thought of, or always wanted to try.

Our site is updated with new content all the time.  Be sure to visit often, or you might miss all the fun.

We appreciate your input, so please don't hesitate to write us with your comments or suggestions.  If you can't find activities or places you were looking for, let us know, we'll do all we can to add if for you.  Also, we'd love to hear all about the fun time you found here.

Thanks for coming by, and have a fun day!